Topical Microbicidal Skin Cleanser
with emollient and moisturizer
medicated with 7.5% Povidone Iodine
A pre-operative scrub with excellent antiseptic, germicidal and microbicidal activity. It produces abundant lather, is film-forming and water-soluble. Non-staining to skin and fabrics.
For use as a pre-operative surgical handscrub and also as pre-operative prep on patient’s skin.
IODEX is an antimicrobial hand wash containing Povidone iodine (PV P-1) 7.5%, an active ingredient which is effective against a broad spectrum of transient and resident micro-organisms on the skin of the hands, forearms and the rest of the body.
Immediately lethal to transient bacteria on the skin and has prolonged residual protection against resident bacteria.
Contains emollient to protect the skin from imitation that follows repeated washing.
IODEX is supplied in a 500ml bottle with a dispenser that controls wastage by releasing only 1 ml of solution with every pump and preventing subsequent spout drip.
A holder is available for mounting the bottle and dispenser on the wall.
Recommended for use in high-risk areas.
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